Cullen Programming

JAVA Scan and Change Facility

Historical Record of Improvement and Program Fixes

Date Description of Change

01-22-2009 Improve scan speed and hex translation/searching.

08-27-2008 Implement CASE-INSENSITIVE checkbox option for case insensitive scanning.

07-07-2008 Separated Pathname from Filename specifications, so that we can apply regular
expressions for filename matching.

06-22-2008 Easy point-and-click install.

06-02-2008 Added checkbox option to scan "hidden files". The former default was all files.
The new default, when box not checked, is to exclude hidden files.  

05-21-2008 Capability of using PERL-type REGULAR EXPRESSIONS for scan argument.
Improve scan performance.

02-18-2008 Modified pathname collection to execute in a separate thread so that there is
no wait time before scan task runs. Collection and Scan threads share a bounded
buffer with multiple condition locking construct.  

01-19-2008 Have scan ignore file paths pointed to by symbolic links. This greatly reduces
possibility of recursive looping.
Vastly improve invoked editor.

03-26-2007 Improve HALT ability so that a stop is scheduled after a record read rather than
waiting for the current file to be completely processed.  

01-07-2007 Simplify installation.

07-01-2006 Add FileChooser GUI option to select file pathname.

05-17-2006 Correct logic to respect leading and trailing spaces of search string input argument.

01-17-2006 Provide a combination box for search criteria strings. Will hold up to 100

previously used search strings during scan session. 

12-11-2005 Implement "Text-Only" option checkbox to scan files that are recognized as "clear text"
files only. Eliminates binary files from the scan. Reduces scan time.

12-04-2005 Implement "first-hit-only" option checkbox to scan files for the first occurence of a
match, then move on to scan the next file in the selection list.
Increase the size of the GUI display window.

06-19-2005 Do not exclude single qualified items when scanning against *.* or * or the
default scan criteria templates.

05-20-2005 Allow scan of multiple qualified files when using filename.filext pattern.
Scan will parse out file extension as being the last qualifier, all other
preceding qualifiers will be assumed to be part of the filename.
Permit pattern templating of Windows drive during file editing.

05-08-2005 Show "total number of hits" along with number of file hits occuring during scan.

02-05-2005 Allow for different scan argument delimiters that could occur in scan string.

12-02-2004 Show number of file hits (matches) along with Elapsed Time at scan completion.
Perform garbage collection of memory after every 10 seconds of execution time.

12-01-2004 Re-developed "find" and "replace" algorithms.
Increase in scan performance by a factor of 10.

11-13-2004 Permit search argument to have multiple qualifiers.
Example: rc.local

10-10-2004 Remove initial space character from "changeto" box which was getting appended
onto the change text. Now box initially has nulls.

09-10-2004 Show PROGRESS-BAR during scan.
Allow file edit by double-clicking a line in the results list.
Option to search filenames themselves for matches.
Increase I/O performance.

08-30-2004 Select appropriate initial home path for new Linux and Windows users.
Recognize directories that have multiple qualified names.
Double the length of the "last scanned file" field for readability.

08-27-2004 Provide capability to perform recursive subdirectory searching.
Provide cabability to search both single and multiple-qualified file names.

08-11-2004 Insert a BLANK line between different matched sources.
Allow match search argument to have leading (and trailing) SPACES.
Improve readability by enlarging search pathname fields.
Provide "memory" of last 100 search pathnames with combo box.

06-04-2004 Improve scan and change performance.
Correct "stopping" function.
Delete interim transient work files.
Improve readability.
Editor upgrade.

01-20-2004 Improve scan performance by 20 percent.
Version prepared for LINUX environments.

05-15-2003 Allow editting of highlighted file.

03-21-2003 Save original files when performing a scan and change operation.

03-19-2003 Place into ESeller production.

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